OJR article: The View From Europe http://www.ojr.org/ojr/lasica/1017820504.php
Frontline Films - Public Enemy Number One http://www.frontlinefilms.com.au/videos/public_enemy.htm Frontline Films - Public Enemy Number One
Welcome To ZNet http://www.zmag.org/weluser.htm
The Nation http://www.thenation.com/
reporting the world http://www.reportingtheworld.org/
Fonds Pascal Decroos voor Bijzondere Journalistiek http://www.fondspascaldecroos.org/archief/knipsels/kisch6.html Debat ’Investigative Journalism’ van 16 mei 2001 - Brussels
MediaChannel.org - A Global Network of More Than 1,000 Media Issues Groups http://www.mediachannel.org/ A worldwide network for understanding and reform of the media.
Workers Online : History : 1999 - Issue 39 : Who Remembers Egon Erwin Kisch? http://workers.labor.net.au/39/c_historicalfeature_egon.html
Egon Erwin Kisch - Bei Ford in Detroit http://www.sozialistische-klassiker.org/diverse/Div15.html Egon Erwin Kisch -Bei Ford in Detroit
Marcus G. Patka(Hrsg.): Der rasende Reporter Egon Erwin Kisch http://www.luise-berlin.de/Lesezei/blz98_07/text36.htm
Egon Erwin Kisch: Der rasende Reporter http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/weimar/kunst/kisch/
Beeldvorming.net http://www.beeldvorming.net/ Migranten & Media van Beeldvorming.net doet aan media debat, media onderwijs, netwerken, media, media onderzoek, media netwerken, migranten, allochtonen en workshops.
TNN - Transnational News Navigator http://www.transnational.org/new/TNN.html TFF New - the latest updates
The Revolution will not be Televised - Media http://www.chavezthefilm.com/html/findout/media_issues.htm
Communications Workers of America http://www.cwa-union.org/ CWA, America’s largest communications and media union, represents over 700,000 men and women in both private and public sectors, including over half a million workers who are building the Information Highway.
BECTU News - Staff hit the streets in BBC protest http://www.bectu.org.uk/news/bbc/nb0201.html
A Journalist’s Toolbox http://www.pewcenter.org/doingcj/videos/toolbox.html
Journalism.org - Resources - Tools For TV/Radio Journalists http://www.journalism.org/resources/tools/tv.asp An initiative by journalists to clarify and raise the standards of American journalism through research and education.
Journalism.org- The State of the News Media 2004 http://www.stateofthenewsmedia.org/
The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press http://people-press.org/
Website Uitpers - Webzine Internationale Politiek http://www.uitpers.be/
:: MO :: MONDIAAL MAGAZINE http://www.mo.be/
Partij van de Arbeid van België http://www.pvda.be/solidair.html